A Hopeful Update

Hello friends and family, I come to you today with some happy updates and good things that have transpired in the last week.

The photo here shows Mochi and I waiting on a video visit with one of my oncologists.

As you know from my previous posts my healing sessions on October 5th and 19th sent me to the ER with horrible after symptoms both times. The amazing doctors were able to pinpoint a particular drug reaction that usually occurs during this many times of exposure. So, as we were looking at options (i outlined these two blog posts ago) I was hopeful we could just remove it from my treatment plan.

I went in to get an updated breast ultrasound on October 27th so we could have some data as to what the “thing” has done since treatment started. Well, good news! The thing in my breast has shrunk from 3cm to 1cm, that’s almost a 70% reduction in size after the first 6 treatments. The doctors said this is a very effective drug regimen and that they would usually expect at least a 50% reduction in size, so we are doing well and ahead of expectations! The doctors were really happy to see this result so much so that we could remove the troublesome drug, Carboplatin, from my drug regimen. YAY!

This highly anticipated news made my day in so many ways because it did change the trajectory of my treatment plan which is really nice. Now my treatment days are shorter, I am able to continue cold capping to prevent hair loss, and I will spend one less day at the hospital each week. I usually am at the hospital at least 3 times a week right now, so this is all happy news and I am thrilled.

Thank you to everyone who was praying for this decision. I felt the prayers from all around the country and am so glad that this decision that was landed on was the best-case scenario. When you are in this season in life, you take these small wins and really grasp onto them!

With this change, I went back to my healing sessions on November 2nd for just one drug this week. Since my horrible reactions would usually come 4-6 hours after treatment ended I waited in anticipation during the evening and monitored all of my symptoms. Hallelujah that I had no chills, body aches, fever, back pain, elevated pulse, shortness of breath…nothing! When I woke up and felt completely normal I knew that this was the best decision and I now feel so confident going into the second half of my healing sessions.

I feel so blessed that the drug that I am sticking with I tolerate very well. As I write this blog post one day after treatment I feel completely normal and am not having any side effects. I previously did lose my sense of taste/smell temporarily over the weekend so we will see what happens! Either way, I take this over fevers, pain, and being admitted to the hospital with fake sepsis any day.

To date I have now completed 7 out of 16 sessions that are part of my healing plan! Wooooahh we’re almost halfway there.

Thank you for the continued prayers, love, meals, and checking in. <3

Xo, Breanna


The “Other” Trouble Child


Let’s Talk Hair: My Experience With Cold Capping So Far